New to Booking Providers?

Written by Selene Candace

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

Your Ultimate Guide to Booking a Legitimate Provider, How to Properly Book, Why you Should Screen, and Oh So Much More!

Disclaimer: This blog post contains thoughts that are of my own; I do not assume to be speaking for all providers.

Candace Selene – Your Favourite Italian Girlfriend.

This is a guide for newbies to the companionship world. I advise you not to spend time on any slimy review boards, as they’re filled with slobbyist propaganda, and it will cloud your judgement. After reading, feel free to leave a comment or reach out should anything stand out or catch your attention!

How To Book A Provider

Booking a provider starts with finding a legitimate provider in your city, doing your homework on if she’s real and contacting her using an appropriate method.Throughout this blog post, I’ll walk you through these steps so by the end, you’ll have a better understanding of companionship etiquette.

Finding A Legitimate Provider

Finding a legitimate provider will take some research on your part. You do not want to be one of the sad stories that we hear of clients getting scammed by illegitimate providers; so do your homework. Does she have a social media presence? Does she have a website? What quality is her website? Does she have professional pictures? Look at the quality of her pictures. I’m not saying that you have to have professional pictures to get clients! I’m just saying look at the quality of the photos. It goes the other way as well- are her photos too good to be true? Think about the horror stories you hear of the clients who go meet a provider who looks nothing like the photos in their ad only to realise that provider scratched their photos from Google. Another reason to do your homework. What does she offer in her ad? Bbfs and no screening (we’ll get there)? Red flag. If her ad is sparse, has no links to social media, and a really low price? Red flag. If you’re unsure if a provider is a scam or not, run a couple Google searches on their name/ number or image; it might just give you the information you were looking for. Usually, a legitimate provider will have a well-written ad, a mixture of professional photos and cute selfies and an active social media. This is a sign of a legit provider as they are putting effort into their work and are investing time and money into their business. Found a provider you really like? Great! Take an extra 2 minutes to run a Google search and see if they have an active social media presence and website. Do 2 and 2 add up? You’re good to go! On to the next step! If not, you might want to do a bit more research, keep reading.

How To Contact A Provider

Once you’ve done your research and found your perfect provider, now it’s time to contact them. Don’t think it’s as easy as picking up the phone and making a quick phone call- we don’t live in 1999! I’ve compiled some tips of what NOT to do when contacting a provider, followed by what TO DO when contacting a provider to ensure you receive a response.

When you are ready, and I mean FULLY ready to book a provider (meaning banking information and screening information in hand and a date/ time in mind) now is the time to ensure you’ve read her ad thoroughly to make sure you know what she’s looking for. Most providers have a booking form, as I do, or a simple breakdown of what they require as acceptable for email correspondence. We deal with a LOT of time wasters, so please follow her instructions and do not be one of these…

Clients, if you’re reading this and thinking this blog post isn’t for me, think again. This post is directed at you. If you think you’re the perfect client, you might be mistaken. If you catch yourself doing any of these faux pas, take a minute to think and question your behaviour, then put a plan in action to correct it.

-Requesting more revealing photos. This is the number one most common. If they’re asking for sexy photos and you already have full body shots on your profile, then kindly end it because they’re children stuck in an adults body.

-Guys who offer up “alternate” screening options (i.e. a selfie, FaceTime “verification,” meeting in public, offering up board handles in lieu of their real-life info, etc.) Absolutely not. You’ve set your boundaries as to what you expect for screening, and if they desire a date they should oblige.

-A request to see your face (if your face is blurred/cropped). Straight up intrusive and breaking boundaries.

-Vulgar language. A huge no-no in my books. It just sets the scene for them to be aggressive in person. Set your boundaries early on and if they don’t understand, move the fuck on.

-Emails written in text speak (‘r U aVaIl 4 bOoKiNg?’) Annoying af. Please complete my booking form sir.

-One-liners (‘aRe YoU aVaIlAbLe ToDaY?). See above.

-Emails lacking a greeting or a closing (#lazy).

-Men that try to talk dirty with you over text before you meet. Straight up time wasters. They’re trying to get off via text and have no intention of ever meeting you. Kick ’em to the curb.

-Men that promise you ridiculous amounts of money before meeting you (I smell carrot dangling).

-Literally any man that gives you a bad gut feeling — run.

-Explicitly tells you that he wants to pay $X in exchange for sex — an obvious.

-Men who are insistent about meeting the same day he messages you. (Be patient Eiago).

-Sleezy username/bad grammar (just, don’t maybe?)

-Takes offence to your precautions (this never fails to amuse me? Oh you want me to come to your hotel room and spend 12 hours there without leaving (another red flag) but you would like to remain anonymous? There’s a difference between anonymous and discreet sweetheart. I am always discreet. I always handle every interaction with the upmost privacy.)

-Insists on meeting for just drinks/in person first. I literally see no incentive to that besides wanting to roofie me.

-Asking for personal info. It could potentially put you in a position where you could be blackmailed.

-There is absolutely nothing about them online. Everything you find during your screening process was just created recently i.e. using text apps.

-Sending a photograph of his genitalia. Obviously.

-Guys who offer to pay using methods you don’t accept (e.g. PayPal- which is not sw friendly!

-Men that ask for raw, bare, no condom, etc. (an obvious).

-Anyone who has no time to wait for you to get to them (i.e. an outcall) who keeps telling you to “hurry”.

-Men that blatantly ignore things you state in the ad you post. It may be a small, nit picky thing to do, but it always grinds a certain nerve when a potential client asks about my rate, if I do outcall, or texts me at an ungodly hour when all of the above are expressly mentioned in my ad.

-Anyone that calls me babe, baby, bae or any of that BS is almost always a time waster

If you do any of the above, expect to be ignored or receive a dry/ cold message in return. Stick to using the providers booking form or email template/ instructions laid out on their ad/ website. It takes 2 minutes and sets you apart from the rest.

Why Do I Have To Screen?

Screening: Why It’s Important For All Of Us

Screening is just as important for providers as it is for clients. It keeps both of us safe. If you see a provider requiring little to no screening information, be weary. Why? Because reputable providers care about who they are meeting up with. They don’t want to get into a possibility dangerous situation. That’s why we screen, to ensure you are who you say you are. We screen for safety, yes safety; we don’t know anything about you, and as a man you’ll likely be bigger and stronger than us (mostly female providers in this industry) we would be allowing you into our private space or would be walking into yours blindly. We need to know at least a little about you, not to scam you or blackmail you, but to know that you haven’t been convicted of say kidnapping, theft, rape or god forbid, even murder. The same goes both ways. If you see an ad requiring little to no screening (or deposit), question that ad, and run a Google search, because there’s a good chance it’s a scam. As a client, if you’re worried, research the provider, even just a simple Google search of her number will generally get you all the information you need to know if said provider legit or not (this goes back to my first point ‘Finding a Legitimate Provider’’). Someone who’s built up their reputation through yeas of an online social media presence, investing money in photo shoots, and thought into their brand is not going to scam you by asking for screening (or deposit, but that requires another post)- it’s just not worth it. Now, as a provider, it doesn’t benefit me to try to scam you and potentially ruin my reputation that I’ve worked for years to establish and maintain: one bad review from a disgruntled client can ruin business. So of course it’s in my best interest to keep my clients happy, safe, and coming back as a regulars.

Furthermore, if a provider is screening you, it should make you feel good as a client knowing that she’s taking her safety (and yours) so seriously.

This industry works off a standard of best practice. 10 years ago, deposits were so rare as to be laughable; today, it’s so common that it’s 50/50 whether your chosen provider will require one across the board. Deposits are best practice. Screening by getting real world info for accountability purposes is best practice. Clients can either live with this or find someone who won’t screen, but there’s no place for them at the table where we decide what the standard should be. Ever.

